Soma & Soul
Free 5 day Trial
Be gently guided by nourishing offerings of powerful, calming, & transformative somatic practices - consciously created to regulate your nervous system, release stuck emotions & trauma, & reduce stress & overwhelm.

You’re all too familiar with what it feels like when your nervous system isn’t regulated, right?
Anxiety, stress, anger, feeling low or stuck, a sense of shame, burnout & a lack of presence in your life creep in. And before you know it, you’re caught in a cycle that you feel you can’t escape.
But what if I told you that your tight chest, digestive & tummy issues, headaches, back, hip, pelvis & jaw pain, tight throat, brain fog, nausea, trouble sleeping, & your tired but wired body & mind could also be signs of stuck, stagnant & stored emotions & trauma in your body.
You see, we often overlook this simple connection…
Your emotions hold the power to shape your mind and your body.
When you work with your emotions - you find your flow.
But when you work against your emotions by suppressing & storing them - you will experience them mentally & physically.
"Your work has literally changed my life. I want you to know that. Your somatic work and anxiety and grounding practices have saved me through sleepless nights, pain-filled days, and uncertainty. So thank you.”
- Kesa

This program is for you
if you're ready to…
✔︎ Finally release the stuck, stagnant & suppressed emotions & trauma that have been holding you back
✔︎ Reduce anxiety, stress & overwhelm so you can feel safe in your body
✔︎ Improve your mood & focus by freeing yourself from that constant tired but wired energy
✔︎ Develop a relationship with your body where you feel calm, connected & compassionate
✔︎ Sleep soundly, knowing you’ll wake up refreshed & ready to face the day
Here's what our Soma & Soul participants have to say...
I am so grateful for Soma & Soul, it provides an invaluable resource for myself and my clients that we can return to again and again - Francesca
What a beautiful offering this course is! So many gems to come back to. My daughter suffers from intense anxiety, and I have been working through this course with her; we have both found it extremely helpful - Julia
From the moment I joined the course I started changing my life to be more present, mindful and be the calmer version me! - Privacy requested
Soma & Soul is a fantastic program that allows independent somatic healing. I have found it extremely beneficial on my healing journey as it allows and support me to access feelings and emotions in my body - Sarah
“I always have pain, tightness in my hips, I was beginning to think I had a medical problem, but after doing all these movements, I was able to move around pain free. It was amazing!! Thank you millions.” - Joy

"Soma soul is the most beautiful programme. I struggle to find the words to describe what a change it has made in my life. I loved that it was self paced and just short snippets that you could easily fit into your day. I thought regulating my nervous system and decreasing my anxiety levels meant I needed to do yoga and meditate for hours but after doing soma and soul I have the knowledge and tools to sooth my nervous system and top up my coping tank throughout the day whilst working and caring for my whānau, with no expensive props or ongoing costs. Mostly I love that I am no longer so scared or confused by the sensations of my body when unregulated, I'm noticing and responding with way more compassion towards myself and am able to more quickly regulate my nervous system.
- Katie

Here’s a little looksie at what’s inside the full Soma & Soul program
30 guided somatic practices
In less than 15 minutes per day! You can choose to make it a 30-day challenge or move through the somatic practices at your own pace.
Full TRE Trauma Release Session
Be guided through a full TRE session to help you release trauma and tension that has been stored in your body
5 bonus classes
Be gently guided through 5 transformative bonus classes (perfect for weaving a daily practice into your life - anywhere, anytime):
Full body release
Unlock your hips
Upper body release
Yin yoga for anxiety & overthinking
Finding your voice to speak your truth & communicate your needs
Bonus Nervous System Mapping workshop & workbook
Learn to map your own unique nervous system states, somatic sensations & emotions on your own body map. Explore your ‘red flags’ & window of tolerance. Discover a range of tools to regulate your nervous system.
Your self investment?
$97NZD or $59USD!
*USD prices correct as of November 2023 - US currency subject to exchange rate.
Inside Soma & Soul

Bonus Practices

Full Length Classes

Your Free Trial will include:
Practice 1 - body scan
Practice 6 - focus switching
Practice 14 - safe place
Practice 19 - yin heart openers
Practice 29 - regulating the freeze response

Meet your Soma & Soul Online Coach
Oh hi there, nice to e-meet you! I’m Rebekah Ballagh.
I’m a qualified counsellor, wellness & somatic coach, mental health advocate, 8 x best-selling author / illustrator & yin yoga teacher.
I founded Journey to Wellness to redefine the mental health & wellness space
I’m on a mission to remove the barriers that prevent people from working on their mental health. I want to see a world where people prioritise their wellness & get the support they deserve.
So I set out on a path to simplify thousands of support methods & created my own resources by illustrating therapy tips & counselling concepts that are relatable, colourful, digestible & accessible. But most importantly, I’ve created trustworthy tools that actually work. Tools that have supported me to overcome my own challenges - to free myself from panic, anxiety, depression & a dysregulated nervous system. The same tools that now support thousands of people, worldwide, within the Journey to Wellness community.
Journey to Wellness is a safe place where you are seen, heard, accepted & respected. A nurturing community where mental health support & wellness is relatable, accessible, digestible, affordable & a little bit fun.
I have spent hundreds of dollars on programs that have not been half as valuable as the work you do. You create such a safe environment.- Pat
I did the night somatic practice after a very challenging day. I slept so soundly, I didn’t wake up at all during the night. I usually get up at least a couple of times. Thank you, thank you, thank you Becks. - privacy requested
The 30 days of somatic practice timing could not have been more perfect. I couldn't be more grateful for the 30 days and so many of these practices I can do without others knowing. It's been a game changer. The biggest thank you to you. I now know I can pretty much deal with anything that comes my way, doing so with kindness and compassion to myself. - Emily
The difference before and after physically and mentally is profound and rewarding. - A
The 30-day somatic journey helped me stay grounded through a very difficult time. Becks guides you through short daily practices, and teaches self-compassion towards body and mind with her soothing voice and gentle prompts. All positions are easy to modify with blankets and pillows, and you melt into the yin yoga poses. It was a lot of fun to do the daily somatic practices. It was so exciting to find bonus videos at the end of the e-book too!! - Amanda
Ready to start your free trial?
Your free trial will include a selection of 5 of our guided videos with beautiful somatic practices to help you find more calm, regulation & peace in your life.
If you love these, you're welcome to join our full Soma & Soul program to unlock over 30 videos, guided audio meditations, workbooks & full length classes - for just $97NZD ($58USD)
Your free trial will be sent directly to your inbox. No credit card, no commitment - just your name & email is all we need.
You'll start today and receive 4 more practices over the coming days.
Pop your email below to get started!
Who is Soma & Soul for?
Soma & Soul has been consciously created for anyone who is looking to weave embodiment practices & somatic tools into their life to achieve more presence, capacity, calm & resilience. It’s the perfect course if you are experiencing brain fog, fatigue, bloating, stress, anxiety, or unexplained chronic pain. The online course is designed to help you regulate your nervous system, release stuck emotions & trauma, & reduce stress & overwhelm.
What are some common signs of nervous system dysregulation?
When your nervous system is dysregulated you may experience anxiety, stress, panic, anger & irritability, feeling low, stuck & unmotivated . It’s common to feel a dissociation / lack of presence in your life - like you’re on auto-pilot. You may also experience a tight chest, digestive & tummy issues, headaches, back, hip, pelvis & jaw pain, tight throat, brain fog, nausea, trouble sleeping, & feel like you’re tired but wired all the time.
Do you have the right credentials & education to teach in this space?
Yes. I have a beautiful blend of both education & experience, & I’m committed to lifelong learning. If you visit the About page on this website, scroll down to the bottom of the page & you’ll see my full-list of credentials & experience.
Can I join from anywhere in the world?
Yes. While Journey to Wellness is based in Nelson, New Zealand - all Soma & Soul content is online & available worldwide. Current course members are from the UK to the US, Poland to Ireland, Australia to Canada & everywhere in between.
Does access to the course expire?
No. Once you’ve purchased the Soma & Soul online course, you’ll have lifetime access to it.
What are somatic practices?
Somatic practices are a range of activities, exercises or therapies that involve a mind-body connection, focusing on the felt experience within your body. Your nervous system communicates via emotions & somatic sensations, not through language. Trauma & emotions can become stuck & stagnant in your body. Somatic practices help you to process emotions, release stress & trauma & regulate your nervous system.
Are your somatic practices trauma informed?
Yes. All Soma & Soul somatic practices are trauma informed, gentle, nurturing & self-paced.
Can I join at any time?
Yes, unlike the Journey to Wellness Membership - Soma & Soul is available for you to join at any time.
Do I need to follow the 30-day challenge?
No. While Soma & Soul is structured into daily practices - how you work through the course is up to you. Some people work through it as a 30-day challenge & others move through the course at their own pace - in a way that feels right for them.
How does payment work?
Soma & Soul is billed at $147 NZD ($86 USD*). This will be converted to your currency. Payment can be made via credit card or Paypal. *USD prices correct as of November 2023 - US currency subject to exchange rate.
“The best investment you will make is in yourself.”
The full Soma & Soul program is included in our membeship
Membership is where you'll find coaching, community & support on your journey.
Over 20 online courses, 2 monthly classes, monthly coaching & a library of tools at your fingertips - consciously created to shift you from surviving to thriving.
This is the place, your space to connect with a community of kind-hearted souls & discover all the tools you need to learn to reclaim your mental health, lean into a lifelong love of personal growth & development, & live with wellness.