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From Freeze to Freedom

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It's time to get out of the funk & find your groove again. In this course you'll learn how to transform feeling stuck, down, flat and unmotivated into feeling calm, regulated and connected. Bust your belief blocks, come back to your body & kick self-sabotage to the curb. What is a freeze response? And am i in one?! Freeze is also known as the dorsal vagal state of your nervous system. In a freeze response you might feel overloaded, overwhelmed, burnt out, fatigued, drained, depressed, unmotivated, stuck, flat... You might also notice you swing between feeling like this and then feeling keyed up, stressed, anxious and on-edge. Often we end up in a freeze response because we've been through chronic stress, anxiety or trauma in our past and our system gets tired from carrying such a heavy load. This isn't your fault. Your threat system is trying to keep you safe. But instead you're feeling like you're loosing yourself and your joy. If you're noticing... - low mood - lack of joy and motivation - a feeling of disconnect from the present moment or your body - you're procrastinating more - you're finding it hard to get going; you don't want to get out of bed, get out of your car when you get home or get dressed after the shower - somatic symptoms like brain fog, tummy issues, headaches, fatigue... In this course you will learn... - What's really going on in your nervous system - Why sometimes you feel wired and tired and other times you feel totally numb and unable to move - How to identify and overcome the thoughts and limiting beliefs that accompany low mood, shame, and the freeze response - Practical, efficient strategies to release & process the freeze - How somatic release and mindful moments can help reset your nervous system- - Ways to stop dissociation Join course below - Select Single Payment option at $97 NZD or If you are a member, make sure you are logged in then join for FREE and enjoy

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